Mission Statement
Wee First Early Childhood Care & Development Centre provides children with a solid educational and social foundation, securing our nation's future.
Wee First Early Childhood Care & Development Centre: Going The Extra Mile In Pursuit Of Excellence.
Vision Statement
Wee First Early Childhood Care and Development Center works in partnership with families and the community to enhance the abilities and skills of the whole child; including but not limited to their social, physical, intellectual, communication and emotional development. Therefore, setting a firm foundation for fully functioning and contributing members of tomorrow’s society.
Our philosophy is simple - to ensure that young children are given the opportunity to learn and develop in a safe, loving and respectful environment. This fosters independent creativeness, trust, mutual respect, social responsibility and self-discipline. To meet our objectives we are committed to creating an environment specifically with the children in mind, where learning can take place at their own pace. We believe in preparing the children for a lifetime of learning and that is upheld in the design of our curriculum, setting and programs.
Our curriculum has been created to meet the holistic development of each child through hands-on learning. It has been arranged to meet each child's needs while learning important subject areas such as math, reading, science, social studies, history, dance, drama music, and local and international culture. Our goal is to ensure that our children develop a deep love for learning. Therefore, our staff members are quality-oriented and result driven. We embrace professionalism and seek excellence in everything we do, as this is a key factor in delivering a superior service.

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